Temperature Blanket Details!
High Temperatures Results and HOW TO for January 2018 We LOVE to say in Minnesota that our weather is only for the stout, hardy and cray-cray type of people. UFF DA! Right?! Can I get an Amen from the locals? Blink and our weather will change. Take a nap to cold and rainy, wake up to sunshine and balmy. Winter time brings about rain, slush and snow and sometimes a thunderstorm all in one day. You never know in Minne-SNOW-ta ! What I learned knitting January temps is we ranged from a HIGH temp of -12 (yes, that's BELOW 0) to a balmy snow melting HIGH temp of 46 degrees F. What started this knitting project for 2018? So I saw a Facebook post last week about a crochet rainbow looking blanket that was made according to the maker's temperatures and I did some searching. I didn't come up with much as far as a pattern or formula to follow so I came up with my own. Then I thought, well why not share? Lots of friends on FB asked me to tell the...